Apr 23, 2005 18:08
no school today.. yesssss.... well yesterday went to school..we watched spongebob in science class.. and mario ate his cheerios =) softball game after.... we lost.... damn... i just realized.. we suck.. haha.. but its only a game.. anyways.. after softball.. everyone went to the last dance of the school year.. i didnt... i dont really enjoy school dances... i think there pretty boring... well.. around 9:00 i went to the school to go with brigid, kori, blair, and bekahhhhh to brigid's house for the night.. it was alot of fun... we just basically hung out... chilled in the JACUZZI <3 did some retarded things... attacked everyone with a wet, sour smelling SPONGE! we played air hockey, spud, slot machines, and fooooose ball... amazing night guys..
* AND! the count-down begins!! * 8 DAYS UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY =)!!!!
well today i came home around 1:30... relaxed.. im sickk.. ahh somebody gave me that fucking cold again... god damn throat and nose.. =( patrick invited me to go with him to the lock-in aka. dance marathon? hahahaha thats a funny boy.. i didnt wanna go... ill just sit home all night.... and play video games.. ( be jealous ) =) yeeeeeeeah buddy!
i had a dream about mike adams last night.... he stole my car and drove into a house and made me cry =(
- im jaded, stupid and wreckless... not sorry, and ill regret these years
spent so jaded and wreckless not sorry, and ill never forget, never forget these years.