Gor for the rest of us. (May be NSFW, as it's hosted on adultfanfiction.net. I haven't read through to see if the actual content is NSFW, though it'll at least be text-only, I'm pretty sure.)
An excerpt: "I stood now with Blergus, there on the high walls of Er, the greatest city of Gor. Its towers were high, and I saw the tern patrols, which protected the city from marauders from other cities, there being many other cities on Gor that envied Er and its great wealth, as well as the great wealth of its merchants, and who might attack as well in an attempt to capture its women and make them into slaves, this being the right and natural order of things on Gor, so decreed by the Pope-Kings, there hidden in their mountains."
ETA: What's the error message? It's still loading for me, so I can't troubleshoot that way, and I'm having a hard time finding an alternate source for the story. Maybe try the direct link to the first chapter?