Sep 18, 2006 09:35
Well..blah...haha im sitting at work right now and ..thats about class today, no nothing today..just ALOT of laundry when i get off....
This week should be an interesting week...fairly relaxing..i like that.. im not all about those weeks when u want to rip your hair out...
I got a ferret yesterday, i havent named her yet..shes like a lighter color, whitish and stuff greyish..soo cute...but she is crazy haha..runs around does crazy things...yes, just like me..she takes after me...=) hehe........
I am completly happy with just about everything thats goin on right now in my is going well, work,personal life, family life...i must say i dont know why im so lucky to have sunch wonderful oppertunities and amazing people in my life...<3<3....
Ok..back to work now...