Sep 28, 2006 22:48 after school i went home, colton came over at about 3:00 and i answerd the door with a boner that you could see through my underwear while i was pulling my pants up. We then watch a porno called "can't drive 55" (you know after the song). Then we carried in the shitty laser disc players that i got for loading that fucking semi truck for my aunt. It turns out that is is actually a nice complete sound system. After fucking around with that for a while we went to coltons house. we fucked around with my computer for a while, then colton went to do some fucking dishes so steve wouldn't come home and shoot him with the .22. While he did the dishes i watched some dateline shows about guys fucking 12 year olds. After colton finshed the dishes we went out side where colton smashed a fucking golf clup off a huge ass metal can that could hold 7-10 dead bodies. The head of the club came off and smashed into my leg at about 100 mph, taking out a huge ass chunk of my leg. We went inside where colton took his pants off to wash them, then he cleaned my battle wound out in his underwear and jeremy's t-shirt. After all that fucking bullshit we went back into coltons room where he decided to inflict more tourchorous pain by ripping the tape off my leg taking 7/8 of my leg hair off, damn what an asshole. After that we decided to put some LEDs in my shitty computer. We went into coltons garage to cut the hole, the cordless drill was dead so he decided to use an unneccesaraly huge ass two handed high-torque power drill. after that he knocked out all the shit around the whole with a huge ass chisel and a fucking sledgehammer (again unneccesary for the job) then, he used an air file to fucking smooth it out that was REALLY unneccesary but it did make it feel like a freshly shaved and lotioned fat vagina. after that we put a fucking LED fan in the front of my computer to light it up...(again unneccesary shit that actually has no real reasoning behind it)..well thats about it for today..........