Mar 10, 2007 20:07
wednesday/ thursday: went to ellensburg for the day/night.
saw some people how i havent see in forever and didnt see some that i would have liked to hang out with.
]got thai food w/yvette and becky and forgot the damn left-overs as well as my gum.
got super drunk.
friday: learned how to do stained glass from eric's mom and i've started working on a humming-bird piece. i like the art but it definitely takes practice.
went to the gym and did lots of cardio.
went and saw 300 w/eric's sister, my sister, and danielle. the movie = AMAZING. pretty much the best movie i have seen in a long time.
went and had drinks at the irish pub with danielle at midnight. ended up getting super drunk and going to denny's. got home around 3am.
saturday: 9am = did water areobics which is pretty much amazing.
saw wild hogs w/a bunch of friends and then ate at the outback.
sunday: i might have to work but if i dont i'm going over to my grandma's.
st. patricks day is going to be amazing because me and some friends are going to the irish pub at six when the live band starts to play. we are pretty much going to stay until close because we will be too drunk to go anywhere else. i freakin love being irish.