Are you in Japan? Buy my stuff

Jul 10, 2009 02:05

Hey guys. As you may or may not know, in under a month I will be leaving Japan. That means that the majority of my stuff must go as well. So you should buy it, especially if you live in Japan, or if you know someone who lives in Japan. It is all well-used, but pretty well taken care of. (The stuff that doesn't work, I'm not selling--unless someone ( Read more... )

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Comments 28

akiko July 9 2009, 17:45:09 UTC
Hey, you're leaving Nihon? Where are you headed?


ee970 July 11 2009, 07:00:35 UTC
For now? Mom's house in Jersey. Dunno for how long or doing what, but I think I'm going to be forced to dogsit for Mom while she goes on vacation. Hopefully I won't end up as puppy chow...


akiko July 11 2009, 15:13:15 UTC
That doesn't sound like much of a tradeoff... your mom goes on vacation and leaves you to take care of the dogs? ... OK, roof over your head, fine. ;)

Definitely let us know if you're down this way. We can go eat at Tandoor or something.


ee970 July 11 2009, 16:49:10 UTC
I know, right? I should just be homeless, to spite them. ...Wait a minute...

I definitely will! Someday I've got to get together my little plan for a COUP reunion...I dunno where most of everyone's gone off to, though. But it seemed like it'd be fun...well, as fun as a highschool reunion, so take that with as much salt as you like. ;)


uzbradistan July 9 2009, 18:43:54 UTC
Ditto that first comment. You can't be serious about leaving Japan, right???


ee970 July 11 2009, 07:04:12 UTC
I fly into JFK on 3 August.
There are various reasons for it, not the least of which being my contract wasn't renewed so I don't have a job, but either way it's time to move on from Japan. I don't know if I'll go back later, though I'd like to visit some other countries as well (the problem here being that I really only know English) but I think that I'll be a lot more secure in it after leaving once and seeing what else is out there.

Maybe I can meet up with you guys sometime for coffee or something if you're free!


uzbradistan July 13 2009, 13:16:39 UTC
Definitely -- we'd love to see you again! Let us know when you're in town. Good luck with the move!


tokyo_heathen July 9 2009, 19:19:46 UTC
Less than a month, huh? ;___; Damn damn!

(I will arrive the seventh and probably will have a bare-naked apartment in exactly a month.)

Well, I guess if you have any leftovers, ... hmmm. I will think of ways to work it out!! (Still bummed about the early departure, though. >:P)


ee970 July 11 2009, 07:09:20 UTC
Ships passing in the night... I leave on the 3rd. It is probably possible for the movers to hold onto stuff especially for just a week or two, but you would probably want exciting new stuff anyhow. I guess it depends on where you'll end up staying...a furnished or partially furnished place, or monthly mansion, or what... Have they given you any details on coming/moving/living yet? I am still really excited for you! It is sad that we'll miss each other but I'll definitely be back to visit (equipped with Japan Rail Pass... Cheap travel GET~)


xelloss_poo July 10 2009, 00:31:19 UTC
I wish I could take the bed, but it would be a hassle to get it to me and then if I ended up moving next year, I'd have to ship it again. :(

But I'm sad to see you going.


ee970 July 11 2009, 07:13:37 UTC
Yeah, we never got to hang out very much since I always seem to be working instead of doing fun things. :< Still, I'll be back to visit before long, so hopefully we can meet up then!

I can have movers or Kuroneko or whoever take the bed to you--it apparently only takes a few days; I was told the shelves I sent to Osaka on Thursday morning could've showed up on Friday afternoon--but if you're about to leave it would end up as sortof passing the buck. ...Not that I'm above doing that, but I can understand wanting to avoid it if possible. ;)


xelloss_poo July 11 2009, 11:42:23 UTC
Exactly! :DDDD

Well, I'm going to be moving up to Tokyo next year hopefully. And I don't know how furnished my new apartment will or won't be, since I get company apartment. And I don't know how big it will be...

And if I got it... I would want to keep it. XD I'm already going probably have to spend a small fortune to ship all my books. XXDDD I don't need it... really, I don't...


ee970 July 11 2009, 13:54:38 UTC
Ah, are you moving with work--transferring to a Tokyo branch? That should certainly be easier since you're up here so often for shows and stuff. :) (If only they had frequent flier miles for shinkansen... Frequent train-er miles???)

It is a nice bed! If you eventually buy one I definitely recommend shelling out the extra bucks for the individually-wrapped springs (pocket coils, or something??) They're supposed to form to the body and blah blah, I dunno about all that, but they seem to stay in better shape than the cheaper mattresses do. No me-shaped lump in the bed: a new and exciting thought!

But I understand wanting to keep your books! That's why I'm ditching all my furniture--I'm keeping all my reading material. It is considerably more expensive to move it across the ocean than across the country, believe me... If only I weren't such a packrat. Oh well~


aalfonso July 10 2009, 04:50:59 UTC
Crap, I want the armchair and TV stand... but I don't want the TV ^^;

I'm going to Tokyo on August 14 but I guess you'll be gone by then huh? :(


ee970 July 11 2009, 07:22:39 UTC
Yeah, I don't think anyone wants the TV... I dunno. Colin got rid of his tube TV, so hope springs eternal! I'm going to try Craigslist to see if I can get rid of the TV and stand as a set, but if not, the stand's yours. (There is a crack on the front right wheel (which the guy I bought it from failed to mention), so, while it works and is even and stuff, it scuffs up the floor extra and doesn't roll as nicely as it could. /full disclosure)

The chair is nice! I am sitting in it as we speak. You can find a similar one at your local Ikea--we had one in our basement growing up. It is -possible- I could disassemble so it could lay flat for transport? Just gotta see if I still have my allen wrench...

Yes, I'll be gone when you go to Tokyo, but I'll go to Osaka this coming weekend (the 18-20) if you were going to be around any!


aalfonso July 12 2009, 15:08:47 UTC
i'll be around that weekend, so i can pay for it then! just lemme know when you're available on the weekend... i'll email you my address if you can confirm I can have the tv stand. :D


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