My mother just friended me on Facebook.
Not only that, but she has like five bazillion more pictures and almost as many friends as me.
What's up with that? The internet is supposed to be for old people like ME, not old people like HER! Get off my lawn series of tubes! *shakes cane impotently*
Jizz In My Pants (which made me think of Eda, though not for the reasons one would think)
Dad on Charlie Rose talking about Obama's speech the other day
...a third goes here when I can think of something sufficiently interesting
Here's a three:
Obama at the Bulls game. He's courtside, like a normal star/rich person--not hanging out in the VIP lounge or anything. It's just kinda neat and normal and accessible. ...I wanna go to a Bulls game... (Also have a dog like the giant poodle we saw in Shibuya today, it was massive
...i really don't want one that big)