(no subject)

Jan 10, 2006 04:50

Sign?: sag
Age?: 21
Sex?: male
School?: of hard knocks soon
Glasses/contacts?: nope
Braces?: used to
Fat/skinny?: neither
Tall/short?: medium
Do you like ketchup?: hate it.
Do you like mustard?: yeahhhh
Do you like mayonnaise?: yeahhh
Do you like pickles?: love them
Do you like boys or girls?: im straight if this is what this is asking
Do you like pickle relish?: nope
Do you like chicken?: hell yes
Do you like spinach?: in sushi
Do you like school?: hate it
Do you like pokemon?: hell yes
Do you talk to voices in your head?: yeah and they dont like you...
Do they tell you to do stuff?: that everyone laughs at me cause im different but i laugh cause theyre all the same
Do you listen?: of course
How often do you talk on the phone?: not too often
How often do you surf the web?: yeah
How often do you hang out with friends?: everyday all the time
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope.
Have you ever loved anyone?: yes
Have you ever made-out with someone?: yeah
How often do you shower?: every day
Which group do you hang out with at school? i dont go to school
Do you always get in trouble? i dont get caught
Do you get along with your parents?: yeah
Are you gonna go to college?: probably never again
Who is your best girl friend?: kelly and ange.
Who is your best boy friend?: i have alot of them
Who do you talk to the most on the phone?: my friends
Who do you talk to the most on the net?: mcgovern or keith
Do you like gold or silver jewelry?: my watch is black...
Have you ever prank called a 1-800 number?: yeah... cool... who are you?
Are you weird? yup
How long does it take you to get ready for class? fuck that
Do you like coffee?: yes
What is the longest you have went out with someone?: 2 years
Do you regret it?: no regrets

Do you want to live?: as long as i have people i care about there i dont care... someplace warm would be nice
Is the most fun place to go?: shows/the bar/phily diner/parties
Do you want to go heaven or hell?: that doesnt matter where i want to go. i have a date with satan.
Do you want to get married?: sure

Do you like to do?: drink
Friend is always there?: if they arent always there they arent friends.
Are you wearing?: jeans and a STD tee shirt
Relative sends you the most money for Christmas?: g-rents
Do you want to be when you grow up?: i dont plan on growing up
Do you want your wife's name to be?: "yo, bitch"
Is your favorite sport?: BJJ

Cried?: no
Gotten in major trouble?: nope
Cut your hair?: nope
Ate a meal?: like 6
Hugged someone?: yeah
Kissed someone?: kelly and ange and my mom
Made a new friend?: nope
Lost something?: amazingly i cant find th pie that was in my fridge. and that really pisses me off.

Been so drunk you passed out?: haha upside down in a trashcan.
Gone out in public in your pajamas?: yeah
Had an imaginary friend?: no
Cried during a chick flick?: yep
Owned a new kids on the block cd? pshhhht i had that shit on cassette
Gotten in a car accident?: yeah, never a bad one though.
Liked someone so much you cried?: yeah
Made faces in the mirror?: yeah
Spent more than one hour on your hair?: nope
Watched a scary movie and couldnt sleep all night?: poltergeist got me when i was little

What is the funniest movie you have ever seen?: kevin smith films, waiting.
Which movie could you watch over and over?: saving private ryan
What was the last movie you saw?: i watched sin city the other night
Who do you go to the movies with?: friends
What movie made you cry the most?: the notebook

Who would you take if you only had one person you could bring?: someone that knows how to build a raft so i could get the fuck off the island.
What three things would you bring?: a gun, rope, and i knife... ill be out of there in no time.
What island would you want to be stranded on?: doesnt matter, im getting the fuck off. i hate islands.
What animal would you kill for food?: anything that moved.
Would you write on the sand, HELP!?: no, i would have someone there helping me build a raft already so we could get the fuck out of there.
Would you panic or relax?: panic... i hate islands.

Jump out of a plane?: fucking right.
Kiss your best guy friend?: i have.
Go bungee jumping?: yeah.
Stay in your room for a whole day?: hell no
Go in the snow without clothes?: sure
Skinny dip?: yeah
Drink salt water?: sure
Touch road kill?: hahahahaha
Smile at your worst enemy?: after i was finished.
Go to Reno to get married?: nah, that shits for niggers.
Throw a party without your parents?: sure, but id invite them
Go to a foreign country?: yeah
Fly a plane?: i have before. with joe magee. fucking wierd.

If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to?: my sister.
Who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the slightest bit annoyed with?: any of my close friends.
If you woke up one morning and noticed that your leg was missing who would be the first person you would call? that actually almost happened to me before... but id call keith, to tell him that ill never be able to play soccer again.
What if you woke up tomorrow and you were someone else completely, who would you be?: arnold schwarzaneggar, or micheal jordan.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?: my laziness
What is the one thing you just have to do before you die?: save somebodys life, and have a little steve dixon to carry on my fucking name.
What is the thing you care about most in your life?: family, friends, living life.

Winter or summer?: summer
The beach or the mountains?: both
Pop or punk?: punk
Rock or rap?: both.
New York or L.A.?: both
Milk chocolate or dark chocolate?: milk chocolate
Dogs or cats?: dogs
Country or classical?: country
Day or night?: night
Lake or ocean?: lake
Waffles or pancakes?: waffles
Soccer or football?: soccer
Chocolate or vanilla?: chocolate
Sugar or spice?: sugar

If you could be in any movie as the lead role, what movie would it be?: terminator.
If you could design your perfect mate what would he look like and be like?: pretty, them titties have to be chillin.

Fallen in front of someone you thought to be quite good looking?: yeah, when i caught myself on ire in front of a bunch of sexy ass dudes.
Run into a wall?: thats how i chipped all my teeth when i was little... running into walls.
Snuck out of the house at night?: never really had to
Laughed so hard that what you were drinking spewed out your nose?: no
Started laughing really hard so you just spit out what you had in your mouth cause you couldn't swallow?: no
Swallow a bug?: yeah
Have you ever actually kept a new year's resolution?: yes... i didnt die.

Eat bugs purposely?: nope
Commit a crime?: yeah, crime rules
Change your religion?: fuck religion
Lie to your parents?: nah
Jump over a waterfall?: sure
Go out at night dressed in something like a black trench coat and sunglasses?: i only do that when im about to schoot up a school LOLZ

Have your life threatened?: yes
Stayed up until the morning light talking online?: i am right now to govz
Made people give you really weird glances?: yeah
Read a Shakespeare play?: yes
Talked in your sleep?: yes
What did you say?: some shit about how i love little boys. wierd.

Who do you like?: this girl shannon. she rules.
Do you want to kiss them?: alllllllllll the time.

Did u like this survey?: it was mall metal nfluenced.
How long did it take?: a while. thank you internet.
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