Feb 27, 2004 06:33
i am realizing there is a disentigration within our intelligence. And it is here i am speaking both on humanity, as well as within my own fragil generation. I remember a time believing that or concieving, at least, that my elders, whilst drunk, having great conversations of vast intellectual capasity. And thus far in my existence i have yet to be a part of such an event. Furthermore, my best conversations on intellect, or within the spectrum of perciving that one is intellecually adept based upon a said conversation, have been held with women......
so i am to wonder where the fallacie lies..........is it merely that too many of the intellectually stimilated, or advanced men are no where to be found, yet remain pondering in their room afraid of the outside world.......or has the time come for the female to stand stead fast and proclaim her intellectual superiority within today's age.
I hope that neither are the answer, for it cannot be stated if there is a fairer, or smarter of the sexes, for we would need to include everyone to ever exist and more so, i am quite sure most of those people are dead..... So then, what stand point must we take? what grasp do we dig into......equality? no, no one would agree to it. so do we allow love to bond us? no, love is eratic and does not touch all so simply or purely. so where are we left?
the individual.
that is where intelligence lies. in each of our pursuits of whatever, we expand our intellect. so the only key is to see that we set an infinite amount of goals for ourself, therefore there is no end to what we can learn, or so in effect, comprehend.