Ding! Jamie's* back...
My friend and best man Tim (AKA
n0isecode) blames himself- that he thinks Jaime read his LiveJournal, but the fact of the matter is the chances are pretty good Jamie read mine actually. My most recent entries regarding our wedding were public domain... as were Candy's entries come to think of it.
This is pretty much the standard M.O. for Jamie as far as I'm concerned. To what do we owe the honor, Tim asks? My guess: she's lonely. Even Psycho-Hose-Beasts need companionship, apparently... even if they haevn't the faintest clue how to get it (and more importantly keep it. ). Anyone as hurtful and backstabbing as she is- and even with her guile for deceit- she has to go through friends rather quickly. And what does Jamie do when the barrel's finally run dry and no one will associate with her?
"Oh Candy, I missed you so much! I'm so sorry about what I did to Tim..."
Yeah, so sorry that it took her two years to mention it. Sure...
I'm still firmly convinced the only reason the word "sorry" is in that girl's vocabulary is to sucker people. She doesn't know the meaning of a sincere apology and probably never will. She still gets her kicks from lying and jerking people around. That's what I saw when we had dinner with her.
She heard we got married. So she spins some yarn to Candy about how she's engaged and getting married to some "hippie chef" but when asked where her engagement ring is she conveniently enough says that it hurts her finger and so therefore she's not wearing it. Yet you'd figure on the monumentally slim iota of a chance that she's actually telling the truth and some guy was actually dumb enough to fall for her usual schtick for long enough to get engaged to her, she'd still have the ring on her person to show it off to us. Does she?
And she tells us the reason her increasingly ficticious fiancee couldn't make it to dinner with the rest of us is that he's "fixing his truck". Also, she tells us she's having some sort of party, and that though he will be there, we'll probably never see him because he's frequently antisocial- in fact, he never leaves the house...
...now I have a much simpler explanation for all this:
Candy not only found a better guy than she'll ever deserve, but she married him. Jamie couldn't very well show here with no accomplishments to compare to it, so she cooks up this cockamamie crap to boost her ego based on the delusion that we'll swallow it hook, line and sinker. Of course we're smarter than that.
There is no chef.
And if ever pressed to show proof of his existence, I'm fairly sure we'd be treated to a story about how she either broke up with said theorhetical chef, or that he died in some tragic golf cart accident while cooking dinner for forty-plus people at the local country club.
Now... do the day-to-day happenings in the very-much-imagined life of Jamie Carroll concern me much? No, not really.... However, it does go to show you that she hasn't changed one single bit. She's still a lying, conniving manipulative cunt. A person who is all at once infuriating and pathetic. She'll burn through friends like crazy as she always does, never knowing why no one stays around because on Planet Jaime, relationships apparently don't require things like 'trust' and 'mutual respect'. The pathetic thing is she just doesn't get it, and she never will.
Cruel to say, sad to say. Honestly I'd rather say that no people as delusionally unfit to cope with the realities of even the simplest interpersonal relationships one might find in life as Jamie is don't exist. Honestly I'd rather say that there was hope for people as screwed up as Jamie...
...I'd like to, but I'd be lying.
(*More On Jamie Carrol may be found in two of my
previous entries )