Jan 13, 2004 20:39
hey well sorry I didn't write for a long time but you know I had a lot of homework and other stuff on my mind. ok I guess Ill just start with the most important thing on my mind. well a little while ago The Black Widow and Miroku started going out and I was fine with it until just recently I realized that I was starting to like Miroku again. just so u know i felt really bad about it and I thought it was just something stupid and it would go away but guess what!?! it didn't. it just keep getting bigger and now I realize that I like him a lot. but I do think that The Black Widow and Miroku are very lucky to have each other and I would never in a million years try anything mean like break them up because they are my friends and I value their happiness and if that means that I have to sit by and watch them together and have it kill me everytime then so be it. cause I'm not a bitch and I would never be that mean. alright well next subject. well then theres the whole Sivlerfire and Tidus thing was big. well Silverfire keep on thinking and actually breaking up with him and it sucked so bad. Up until recently I always tried to get them back together and I usually did it but then now I am just so fed up with her crap that I don't care anymore. it was really frustrating. u know? then recently since P.A.#3 loves The Black Widow and I like Miroku me and P.A.#3 have gotten pretty close because of that. but he is a little extreme with his tactics of trying to get The Black Widow back. for me I just liked Miroku but never wanted to break them up but I might have said that I did but I didn't really mean it. that is just too cruel and I would be doing that for my own personal gain and thats selfish. well anyway Ill go because I can't think of anything else. if I do then Ill write again. see ya later.