Title: Before the end of Ten
Category: Doctor Who
Rating: G
Genre: Angst/Romance
Character/Pairing: The Doctor, Doctor/Rose hinted
Word Count: 496
Warnings: Spoilers up to Planet of the Dead.
A/N: I haven't written in a while writer's block and all, but recently I've been feeling inspired. I've never done a drabble before and I wrote this in the middle of the night, because it wouldn't get out of my head until I wrote it out. Hope you enjoy. Please tell me what you think!
Summary: The doctor has received several warnings now and he realizes his path forward is going to be one he might not survive. He ends up in a place he shouldn't be.
He was a time lord and as such he should know better. He stood in the all too familiar street watching people walk past him with not so much as a second glance. He knew better, so why was he standing here? After all this time, it's not like he hadn't been back and forth on the issue a million times, well give or take a hundred, well more like thousands, or was it even that-well-no he knew exactly why he was here. He was scared. He would never admit it otherwise, but now that he was alone for good he had no one left to lie to. So here he was over 900 years old and it all came down to this, a bit anticlimactic he thought. No he knew why he was here. "He will knock four times." "Your song is ending."
…"He's not you." He took in a deep breath ignoring that last thought. This was certainly not the time for that, not that any time was the time for that. Luckily he caught sight of a golden wisp coming round the corner. He hid behind a column even though he knew perfectly well she wouldn't be able to see him, he was much too far. He became aware of the gnawing feeling inside crawling its way to the surface again. He could feel it in the wind now, everything was leading to something. He didn't know what, but he knew it wasn't good. All the signs were pointing to something he didn't want to contemplate just yet. Still he couldn't imagine anything worse than what he had already been through. He just, he needed to see her again just one last time. He was aware of how dangerous not to mention foolish this was, but it didn't stop him from looking. He had denied himself this for so long, but now with his path so unclear… One last time. She continued on her way a look of forlorn on her face, similar to the one he had seen her wear that day, the day he had told her to take a run with him… She wasn't doing anything special, just buying a lemonade drink, yet with the way he was looking at her you'd think otherwise. She sat down placing her phone in front of her tapping her fingers on the table, she looked a bit impatient. She was waiting for someone. He wasn't sure, though he had made sure to land in the right place at around the right time. Then he saw Mickey round the corner a smile on his face.
He had seen enough, or at least that's what he told himself. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately. He ran a hand through his hair then placed his hands in his pockets walking back to the TARDIS. He turned; one last glance. She was smiling, laughing and it was enough. He could face it now.