Title: we converse best in things unspoken
Pairing: Edward/Rosalie
Rating: Light R
Word Count: 661
Warning: Rosalie in canon so just to be safe, one-sentence briefly alludes to rape. Not graphic.
Summary: Her former life was a carefully laid out map that no one bothered to consult her on. AU. Pre-Twilight.
A/N: Written for
thetwilight25. Prompt: Sky.
Disclaimer: Twilight is not mine.
on ff.net
here | on LJ
here Title: Juvenile
Pairing: Edward/Rosalie
Rating: PG
Word Count: 224
Warning: none
Summary: Rosalie and Edward fight. AU-AH.
A/N: Written for
thetwilight25. Prompt: Juvenile
Disclaimer: Twilight is not mine.
on ff.net