Jul 05, 2006 04:29
July 5, 2006
This is the most realistic dream I’ve ever had. When I woke up, I didn’t feel like I was awaking from sleep. It felt like I was crossing over some dimension and I was in the same state of being awake the entire time.
Wesley, Jun, and I are taking a walk on FSU campus, everything is normal, it’s dark out. We come to this sort of park with a swing set behind some bushes. There are a few payphones and one has a number written on it. I go up to it and I say “Look, Wes, this is how I got your number!” “Jun, if I didn’t call this number, we wouldn’t be friends with Wesley!” We all laugh and continue walking. Everything is completely barren. No one is out… it’s a complete ghost town. We hear something and look up. There are spacecrafts and antennas and satellites and all this shit in the air and laser beams are being shot and fire and this purple and green gas. It doesn’t faze any of us and I say “Let’s just go back to my room and play N64.” They agree so we start walking back to Cawthon but on the way we find ourselves in this big space control room with very thin air… I found it really hard to breathe at this point. This woman in a white suit sitting up by the controls was furious with us and told us to go home. “This is not a time to be here or anywhere besides where you belong. Go.” It was a huge room… literally filled with just… space. I haven’t ever seen or dreamed a room like it before. I remember seeing a map of the world and then a map of the galaxy, with red and yellow lines crossing over from country to country and from planet to planet and from country to planet and every which way. We go back to my dorm… they go back, I get sidetracked with something… tying my shoe or something… and tell them to go on ahead. When I get on the elevator, Jun’s roommate Rob and his suitemate are there. His suitemate has a girl with him… Rob tells me to come with them where they’re going. They take me to one of the Cawthon music practice rooms and start attempting to rape both the other girl and me. Again, it hardly fazed me and I simply escaped and went to my room. It looks like my room at home before I re-did it, with the light-wood furniture and everything, but twisted and more like a dorm room. Jun and Wesley are on my bed playing N64. The mattress isn’t on my bed and there isn’t anything on the walls. The room is completely empty. I look over to the corner, and I see the mattress torn apart. I try to lie down on my bed to watch them play but the bed shrinks and is way too uncomfortable to even sit on. The air starts getting thin and one of them says “It’s happening”… I start gagging and holding my throat. I see this giant blanket of sparks everywhere… like the way streetlights look in blurry pictures… all neon-esque and connected. The sparks occupy the room and I can smell them. I see the purple and green gas coming in through the window and I can smell the acid and feel my skin burning and I cough… I actually cough. You know how you feel when you cough in your dreams, as opposed to how you cough when you’re awake? I felt the cough in my dreams. I hold onto Jun and I tell him I love him and I hug Wesley and thank him for being my friend. I see my mom and she’s happy as usual and tells me not to worry, it’ll be over soon… and then it becomes my house… I’m in the hallway upstairs between my room and the staircase and everything is still hazy and purple and green and I still feel my skin burning and I still can’t breathe. I look down the stairs and my dog Rusty is sitting there like nothing is wrong… but he too is completely purple and green. I say “Rusty, everything’s all right, nothing’s wrong, nothing’s wrong… you’re fine man… I love you man” and he stares at me, completely still. I fade into awareness that it’s a dream and I slowly open my eyes but my feeling of being between my dream and my state of being awake is exactly the same.