Here it comes. Batten the hatches!

Sep 09, 2008 07:51

The temperature got down last night, below 60 degrees. Almost enough to make me want a jacket. Perhaps I shall have to give some credence to all the media folks who have been crowing that summer is over now that Labor Day has passed, even though out here a lot of our hottest weather comes in September and October.

Anyway, it's bringing on an attack of seasonal nestiness. It's been a combination of factors, really. Conversations about roasting things and doing things in the crockpot. (I have plans for both). The new Cooking Light magazine has some cozy dishes in it. Yeah, it's mostly about the food. So, even though the weather continues to be hot during the day, it's making me want a hearty, slow-cooked dinner. This payday, I will indulge this impulse. It's so very nice to have a little leeway in the budget to indulge. I am still at the stage where every tank of gas that doesn't leave me completely broke afterward is a little celebration. But. I also bought some small, glass, autumn-themed candleholders. I went to L.A. for Labor Day weekend. It's nice to feel like my life permits some actual LIVING.

And I intend to enjoy this feeling to the fullest.

seasonal nestiness

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