At play in the fields of the MWD.

Apr 29, 2008 08:53

I almost stepped on a snake at work the other day. I didn't even look, so I didn't see it, then I just heard that unmistakable noise of one taking off through the grass ... EEEK! I don't know which of us was more startled, really. When I finally did see him, he was looking at me with such an affronted expression. I must have put my foot down about six inches away from where he was hanging out. Luckily, he was not a poisonous variety. But I'm going to have to be more conscious of where I put my big, stompy feet, because we have rattlers out here. Big time. There have been three up at the Viewpoint and one at the Visitor Center in the last month. Probably time to go back to wearing my combat boots, eh?

Also, driving during the Monarch butterfly migration is kind of like playing Atari Asteroids. Thwack! Thwack! They're so pretty, dancing over the fields and flitting across the road. I hate killing them. But there's so damn many of them, it's pretty much impossible to avoid 'em. :-(

blah blah blah, close encounters with wildlife

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