Foundation for a thesis?

Oct 08, 2007 09:12

I have made some interesting sociological observations based on the content of the two vending machines at work. There's one in the breakroom used by the laborer-type employees and one in the Admin building, where one would reasonably presume the median educational and socioeconomic levels are markedly higher. The one in the breakroom stocks lots of chips and cookies and soda, and a snack-size bag microwave popcorn. The one in the Admin building has, among other things: Clif bars, Almond Snickers, turkey jerky and V8 juice, and a full-size microwave popcorn, (for the same price, I might add). What conclusions might we draw from this?

Aside from the fact that I am a sucker for Almond Snickers, I mean.

blah blah blah

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