Zoo ba dee doooooo!

Mar 30, 2007 09:16

You know, I'm actually feeling kind of good about myself today. Despite staying up wayyyy too late last night with Jimmy again, (on another music-oriented gabfest), I snapped awake at 7:25 a.m. and was full of bright ideas. I had already-dry pants for James when he asked, (so what if they were still in the dryer), and was able to give him 10 of those box top dealies so that he could enter the coloring contest at school. I actually had enough money in my wallet to permit Alex to order a yearbook, which is handy because today is the last day. I took Rachel to get her hair bobbed yesterday so today she was able to brush it herself with no tears. Everyone was ready to go early, so I drove them, letting Jimmy sleep in, then I dropped by the store and grabbed him a Mountain Dew and drove through Jack In The Box and got him a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit to cushion the caffeine so he wouldn't get a stomach ache ... And left it in his car for him to find.

I'm actually excited that today is the last day of school before Spring Break. The kids will be off for two whole weeks! I will have to think of some fun "family field trips" we can undertake during that time.

Yeah, I'm feeling on top of it this morning. I wonder how long until I need a nap?

family, blah blah blah, kids

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