Mar 03, 2009 18:05
I have a hankering to finally get off my ass and study myself some Akkadian.
I've certainly spent some time figuring out what other people have said are good texts for this - but I'm wondering what the LJ Brain Trust says (if anything).
I want to learn both language structure and cunieform.
lj brain trust
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Part of this study is for esoteric reasons, and as a result the exact era studied is both important and at the same time somewhat irrelevant for my purposes.
Fortunately there aren't very many people around who can tell me I'm wrong.
In any case, symbolism is symbolism. ;-)
Another one.
And the worst part? I really really like the first one.
And then there were two.
lol ;-D
Oh... lots of reasons...
1) Believe it or not, I'm trying to be good. ;-D
2) He (::nudges head towards him::) knows more martial arts than I do.
3) My memory may be faulty on this issue (it has been several years, after all), but I believe that I already have one attractive sadistic dominant in my life. If I had two I think I'd explode. What I am *lacking* is an attractive submissive masochist. Hell, I'd just settle for non-dominant/sadist. No, screw that - at this point I'd just settle for kinky non-lesbian. <-- so maybe I should rethink my previous comment.
Uhm... let's just pretend this conversation never happened. o_O
Hm... sometimes I like playing let's pretend. I think it's called role-playing, and I often do it in groups, so I suppose I can add you to the list of people I do it with. *noddy noddy*
Although I must admit that I am wondering how faulty your memory is since the one attractive sadistic dominant currently in your life lives with you, and I'm failing to figure out how you could have forgotten that she's there...
Oops. Sorry. Negative experience points to me for forgetting that the table rules involve pretending the conversation never happened...
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