Aug 11, 2008 09:29
Just an FYI-
Yes, I'm reworking how I choose to use LJ and Filters. Before, I would pretty much Friend anyone and the add them to specific filters and have sometimes reflective, sometimes revealing posts on various Filters. This has resulted in some incredibly abusive behaviors on the part of at least one person for no "good" reason (and at least one incredibly bad and inherently flawed one) other the fact that that person thought I was a creepy old pervert who was abusing one of my partners. That in turn was the start of a catalyst for events that have resulted sense of betrayal that stretches across several domains of my life.
As I've been thinking I've realized that it is time for me to change how I use my Filters again, and how I use Livejournal. As such I really only plan on having two settings - Open and Friends-List. Everything will be posted with cuts so that people don't have to read on X subject. In general, personal information will be highly limited in the future though I'll still be posting on the subjects that are near and dear to my heart and profession. But I am not going to be putting myself into a postion where it is nearly so easy to be abused in the future.
As a result I'm also dropping a huge number of people from my F-list. No offense intended and I'm still not sure what the criteria for staying on the F-list actually is. Please understand that at this point it really is not a reflection of you and is more a reflection of me making some very arbitrary lines about who I feel safe reading what - these reasons are both personal and professional.
EDIT: For what it's worth, and if this makes anyone feel better, between this morning and the other day I've dropped ~150 people - it's not personal if you are one of those people. Feel free to keep me on your F-list, my intent is that most posts will be open - though I of course understand if you choose to drop me in turn. No hard feelings on my part at all.