(no subject)

May 01, 2005 00:37

shopchic141: I heh, ok.
shopchic141: sooooo..here goes:
shopchic141: You're a new 29-year old
shopchic141: woops
AndThenEddieSaid: hahahahah
shopchic141: *19, i mean
AndThenEddieSaid: lol okay
shopchic141: sorrry!
shopchic141: ok
AndThenEddieSaid: lol
shopchic141: and you're at this club. it's a little crazy, but it's really trendy, and you want to fit in. so you look around, trying to absorb the atmosphere
shopchic141: at this table by himself is this guy. you can't imagine why he would be alone because he's so handsome. there's something about his eyes and the slant of his face. he's stunning.
AndThenEddieSaid: (!)
shopchic141: without even realizing it you start to move over in his direction. you catch his attention and he smiles. there's something awkaward about the both of you, and he notices. he waves, slowly. not so enthustiastically because you're strangers, but he's smiling
shopchic141: you sit down at his table, and exchange formal conversation. 'do you want to get out of here?' he asks. and of course you say yes.
AndThenEddieSaid: does he have black hair
shopchic141: yes
shopchic141: and he has olive skin
shopchic141: not too dark, though
AndThenEddieSaid: okay, good.
AndThenEddieSaid: i don't like that whole dark olivey thing.
shopchic141: me neither
shopchic141: ok
shopchic141: so
AndThenEddieSaid: so
shopchic141: you both leave, and ypu can;t stop thinking about how cool this guy is. you moved into the city (nyc) only about 5 months ago, and already you've met this interesting man. he's 21.
AndThenEddieSaid: mhm
shopchic141: you both had comparable childhoods...and you both have this slightly cult-like infatuation with ska music
AndThenEddieSaid: and the flaming lips.
shopchic141: you already want to hold his hand, but you don't. (yes and the flaming lips)
shopchic141: (sorry..I'm trying. I want this to be really good)
AndThenEddieSaid: (lol ill let you)
shopchic141: you decide to eat at this random bagel shop. it's 2 in the morning. you take your seats with your orders. 3 hours later you're still talking. you don't even feel winded. now it's saturday, and he asks if you're doing anything. you already had an appntemtn, but you reply 'no'.
shopchic141: the city seems so bautiful to you now. everything is gleaming. you loved it before, but now it seems as though you love it even more. it even seems like yuor lings gave expended so that you can inhale deeper.
AndThenEddieSaid: (i love bagels.)
shopchic141: I mean, lungs by the way
AndThenEddieSaid: i figured.
shopchic141: you ask him where he works and he takes you to this awesome underground radio station where he dj's. you're highly impressed. after that he's going on and on about all of this 'limited, mint-condition bowie albums' he's got back at his apartment. you know it's just an excuse to get you up there. but you act impressed and say you'd like to see this.
shopchic141: sooo, he takes you up to his apartment. he's got a great room,you think to yourself. he walk over to the corner and produces the bowie albums. he smiles sheepishly as you nod your head, and he confesses that he didn't know how to be forward, but that he really likes you. he's never met anyone that he feels so comfortable with before, and it's really thrown him for a loop. the only thing on his mind is keeping you forever. and what better way to start than to have sex!
AndThenEddieSaid: wow
shopchic141: sorry, I feel a little weird talking about gay sex so I'll cut to the part where it's over.
AndThenEddieSaid: hahahah okay
shopchic141: so, it's the middle of the day and you've fallen asleep in his bed. he's been staring at you for 30 minutes and hasn't even felt the passage of time. he gets up, walk around a lot. makes coffee. doesn't drink it. thinks about music and how he thought it would always fulfill him more than anything else. but now he realized that he;s wrong. these emotions carry out for years and yars. everyday only gets better.
shopchic141: fin.
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