Aug 06, 2005 16:09
I am typing out this entry from my mother's new 12" iBook G4, even though my laptop is perfectly available in the room next door. It feels slightly similar to cheating. Laptop, if you're reading this: she (let's face it, nothing this cute cannot be anything else but female) doesn't mean anything to me! You're the only one!
Kidding aside, it's weird typing this out on such a little screen, but I'm digging the interactiveness of the Mac OS. I'd already had some experience with it at my sister's house, since she has a Mac, but prior to that my only other dealings with these was the old early-mid 90's Apple computers that had come out, so I'm not exactly savvy with it. It's not complicated, per-se, it's just not, I think, as intuitive as Windows XP is in the accessability options. I'm not saying it should have a Start menu, but getting to the rest of the programs should not be so long-winded.
There are other reasons why I'm having so much trouble typing this post, the main one being that I got home today from the States, and I didn't sleep at all during the flight, so now I'm trying to hold out till after dinner so I can collapse in a heap in my warm, lovely bed and pass out until tomorrow, without getting massacred by jet lag. This makes writing out coherent sentences a bit hard, so I think I'm gonna end this post now, while I'm still ahead.
Have fun, kiddies.
Edit: my LJ looks pretty screwed up in Safari. Go figure.