May 15, 2005 18:58
What if there is a God? I don't believe in the pre-defined Christian ideal but surely there has to be something more out there? Even if it just aliens. I tried to understand what eternity must be today. And what forever means. But the concepts are too big. I feel like space can't go on forever, it must have an edge. And there has to be somehting more. I mean, what are the cahnces that one planet out of millions can susatin life? And what happens when this planet ends? There will be no record of life ever. Life will ceease to exist. How strange is that? I'm not afraid to die and I don't believe in an afterlife...but the idea of this one planet and all the life on it just ending is too much. I feel like space should be a page. And we don't know what's off the edge of the page but it doesn't matter. Someone has to be holding the page and watching us. This can't just be it. There has to be something greater out there seeing what we've done. The achievements and failures of man cannot just add up to this. It has to be recorded someone. Anyone. And if that is God then suddenly I'm a believer.