Aug 23, 2005 21:25
Sooo, haven't updated in a while. And I haven't really been talking about what I've been up to so here is a loose outline.
On the 4th I went to Stylish Riots at KoKo and spoke to Jack from New Rhdoes loads and he's buff and he said he was gonna buy me a drink and it was all good. Until I had to go home without getting that drink, damn. But yeah, he remembered me from the Cherrfalls gig back in April and i was very flattered, especially when he soent most of the night talking to me (when he wasn't playing.)
On the 8th we went to Oxford for Kay's birthday and that was really cool because Lana, Ray and Kay are REALLY COOL. Yeah man. We drank quite a lot. Or I did anyway. And me and Ray cried when we did some baaaad vodka shots. And then Ray cried because Lana and Milo were so in love and I cried because I felt like it. And at some point we talked to Theo on the phone for ages nad it was hilarious and Ray was saying very naughty things and Theo got scared and that never happens, I was impressed. Then Lana went to sleepy-byes and me, Ray and Kay had a super good chat on the wall, but it was a bit cold. Then Ray went to sleep so I made Kay take me to the park and it was 4am and cold and wet and I was burping A LOT. hahahahahahahahaha. Then we came back and Ray had taken my pillow and I was really mad but I went to sleep anyway and woke up really cold. Then we just sat in Kay's house all day and didn't do much.
Then some other boring stuff happened. Like I went away on holiday for one night. Yeaaaah. And it meant I missed the Pineapple Reunion, damn. Ummmm, I can't think of anything else fun now. I must have done something...At some point I went to see Dear Wendy at the cinema with my dad, and it was really amazing. Yeah. Oh and on Monday (13th) I went to Brighton avec mon pere and we had SO MUCH FUN on the bumper cars, I went twice. But my thighs are too long and my knees were up by the wheel and they got really badly bruised. I still have the bruises and they still hurt, eek.
On the 13th Kay came to my house and we were gonna go to the New Rhodies instore but it got cancelled. So we went to Primark instead and got really amazed by some cheap socks that had a fluffy ball on them HAHA. THAT GIRL'S GOT BALLS! hahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa. Yeah. Then we watched Garden State <3, went online for a bit and talked to Matt and Kay made a videoo and I put my hair up and pretended to be a pineapple, then we watched Lost and I had an argument with my mum about the mroals of letting people die and using up precious medicine on dying people etc and Kay was too scared to join in. Theeeen we ate a tub of Ben n jerrys while we watched White Noise, and that was buff. The ice-cream that is, not the film. 'cause it was shit. But I got scared anyway and held on to Kay's knee for dear life. And I cried an emo tear with my new mascara. It was completely black.
Then on the Thursday we went to Ray's house and it was very funny. We had one cup of cider and I was drunk. And I said Joe looked like Ron Weasley and I swear he was going to beat me up and I got quite scared. Then when Laura stole the vodka from me he stopped me chasing her so I poured water over him...but he got his own back. Then I went and stole a coca-cola sign for Laura's friend (who's name I know but can't spell) and made Kay come with me and she wouldn't run. Then in the evening I went to a gig but couldn't be arsed and left early. Then on Friday I went to Devon and it was real nice weather and on the Saturday we went to a pagan/Celtic wedding thing and it was actually really beautiful.
Today I did loads of painting and now I'm tired. I could be seeing Death From Above 1979 right now with THEOOOOO but my mum wouldn't let me go. I am very heart-broken about this. I love Theo.