Its a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world

Oct 12, 2005 09:50

A fair bit to talk about...

Me dad phoned yesterday and told me that his doctor recommends he go in for an angiogram next week. Aparantly there is some worry about blocked blood vessels. This is kinda scary as in our family we have a history of heart/cholesterol problems and high blood pressure (on both sides of family) and diabetes on mom's side of family. Which kinda makes me a walking time bomb when it comes to insurance companies! But I'm sure things will be fine with my dad, he keeps very fit apart from the occasional couple of whiskeys a week, but he seems kinda stressed about it.

Went chatting again last night - again mostly teens chatting about exams (at midnight???). Had a cool chat with some girl about Harry Potter stuff (she seemed a bit freaked when she found out my age "Oops, I'm like under 18!" and I was like "so what, we just chatting about hp?" and she was fine after that). At least one girl had a bit of sense as to personal space! It's amazing how so many guys will initiate a chat with you (thnks to androgynous handle) then run for the hills when they find out you a guy. What happened to just talking to someone? Anyway, it's lots of fun.

I finally get to GM again tonight at roleplaying. Miss I-have-to-get-you-to-APL6-quickly got GM rewards in the mail (sulk) and I got nothing. So now I'm going to run more adventures - if only stupid Mark of Heroes people would release more adventures dammit!! Besides as much as I love playing, I really like GM'ing.

Got in touch with a couple old friends I haven't spoken to in ages yesterday. Now must just try to stay in touch! (bad Jude)

Found out that the Violent Femmes will be in the country for a 2 gig stint up in Joburg. I really have to go (I missed them last time)! This is the first band comeing here in a long time that I actually like! Who cares about Nelly and 50cent., give me some ROCK bands! Tickets are only R 80-110 (depending if you have to have admission to the extreme sports event they playing for) which in this country is beyond cheap for an international band (not that I cared, but Avril Lavigne was easily R 270). So I am busy making plans to get my ass to Joburg to see the Femmes. Any one else want to come?

Had a very nice weird dream last night (mmmm...still drooling). It was all about a Grand Prix race not with any Grand Prix cars I recognised, but more importantly, the Grand Prix pitlane bunnies (yum). Needless to say I woke up with a smile on my face >;)


Will try and get some photos up soon.

chats, family, roleplaying, friends, dreams, music

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