
Feb 05, 2012 22:23

Sorry for spamming the friends page... Erk.

I made this sim for the GoS sim challenge and I'm uploading her here instead of in that thread because I want to have a massive picspam (I got really carried away) and I can give information + credits more easily here. I don't want to seem like I'm trying to advertise my stuff in that thread because I know it's not necessarily for uploading stuff. >_<

I actually didn't realise it's only the January thread and I've got great ideas for another four sims, plus making my own cc for them, which will take a lot of work! I think this is actually the only sim which won't require new content. The thread was only started on the 22nd, though, so I'm really hoping I'll have until about the 22nd of February for my sims. :P That might not seem like a January challenge anymore... I can still hope!

And a couple when she started misbehaving for me (with adorable results)

Clearer image of her face and profile, because it's not that obvious with the longer hair. :)

Click for larger image.
Most of the due credit is shown in the Clean Installer, but for clarification, the "Miranda" set is by witheredlilies and the "Jessi" who keeps appearing is jesstheex.

This is the first sim I've ever shared, and although I did try really hard with the facial sculpting to make her look as unique as possible, I understand that I probably didn't achieve that terribly well. I like the way she looks, though, even if I don't have the most distinctly individual style like other creators have, and I hope that other people might like her and enjoy her. :)

event, picspam, download:sim, download, gos

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