Oct 15, 2006 01:50
I figured I should update, since I haven't in a considerable amount of time. I just got back from seeing Bomb the Music Industry! in the city. They were pretty tight. But more importantly, earlier in the day I went to the doctor. It turns out that my back is really fucked up, which really comes as no suprise really, more fucked up than I expected though. It's going at a 45 degree angle. Not only that but my "growth plates" have stopped, so I'm done getting taller. This means, I cannot wear a brace for this jazz. It's possible surgury, according to the doctor. There is no other way to reverse it, other than that. The only way I can get out of surgery, is do one of two things.
1) I start exerciseing, and prevent the spine from getting worse.
2) I don't exercise, get surgery in June, and I don't get out of the hospital until September.
Yeah, so it's a pretty fucked up situation. I guess I'll just have to learn to exercise a lot, and lose a signifigant amount of weight.
It really annoys me, how a lot of the people in this town talk about how shitty their lives are. Maybe if they stopped and took a look around, they'd realize that they have it pretty good. Friends, family, and a roof over their head, but apparently hooking up with a "bitch" is more important, and means the world to them. I'm just sick of everyone's fucking whineing. I have a fucked up spinal cord, but I'm not gonna ask for attention and die for sympathy, and beg someone to hook up with me. I'll just fucking deal with it. I'm a pretty fortunate person. Just because something unfortunate happens doesn't mean my life sucks. *My life is pretty good, actually. I just don't want back surgery.
Anyway, Bomb the Music Industry! was pretty good. They played So Let's Go Nowhere, by ASOB. Fun was had by all.
Sleep now.
*My older live journal entries from '04/'05 might combat that statement.