Mar 04, 2006 23:29
Sometimes I just don't know about life. The last two years here in the city, I just don't know what I've actually done here. My friends have thirving in their professional lives, while my own has rotted by the wayside. How does one figure out whether it is the product of the environment, or the product of the self? If it is the product of the environment, then this has to stop and a move must take place. However, if it is the result of my own ineptitude, then this also has to stop, but it could stop in this city now.
When can you tell when you stop and your environment begins? Perhaps you can't. So even if the environment plays a tiny part in this... perhaps I have to leave. Hmmm..
on a sidenote... SNL is awesome so far. They're doing a sketch on "male infantile baldness" and how a fake company makes tupees. Wow, little babies in tupees. gotta love it.