Life is...I don't know. It is. Saw Eric the other day, which was cool. The bunnies missed him, and Eric is the only person Lovebone will let pick him up and hold him without a fuss. For those who don't know Lovebone, he's one of my two bunnies, and I love him ever so much.
A few weeks ago I went to the Museum of Fine Arts Boston with Ashley, which was great fun. I probably like ancient Greek vases a little too much. Virtually all ancient Greek art, for that matter. Lately I've been branching out more and getting familiar with ancient Middle East/Mediterranian civilization in general; it's really interesting to me and gives valuable context for a lot of later history.
I picked up a book called The Social and Political Doctrines of Contemporary Europe for two dollars at the thrift store. It was published in 1942, and there's an inscription written in pencil that says: "for son, Christmas 1943". Hitler and Mussolini had started losing but WWII was still in full swing. It's really interesting to read what people were writing about back then.
Oh god I gotta recover my imagination and memory for typing, this update is boring as shit.