It's a slow day today, so I decided I might as well work on my powers post.~
Now I'll probably try and keep it simply but if I start rambling, being complicated or due to my own stupidity reaping physics up the butt, I'm not responsible. (though in the latter case, do smack me and ask me 'wth are you saying, things don't work like that.' ) Also, do note that all of this is brainstorming/speculation/etc, may be subject to change or actually be not applicable in the plot!
Well, first off I have no clue how to write a post like this, so I'll probably divide it up in nice little chunks of chunkiness chocolate (snickers not included). All that aside I do rambling and things might go the other way. Really, who knows. I don't. Are you saying you're psychic? (Wait, Norway kind of is! Get out of my mind Norway ;^;! )
Well, I suppose it seems natural to start with why I picked this power.
I think most people would've guessed my reasons why already, after all, Estonia has the image of being good with laptops and by that extent technology. I could've gone with control over machinery and such, I realize, but electricity just felt a lot more useful and fitting. (Especially because the former power is really something more found in futuristic rp's and such)
Basically, the main reason for choosing electricity is the connection to technology and the like. It's something that would still be quite close to home and relatable to Eduard, if I'm making any sense at all here. I could analyze his pysche to find deeper reasons for the power, but really, this is all that should be neccessary for a reason without me going into symbolism and human pyschology.
Now what I have been thinking about is how he'd use the powers. Please not this is a how as in, 'how would he apply them in a situation', rather than a 'tell me how he makes electrictrity from thin air already you crazy person, you.' We'll get to that later, be patient now, mkay?~ <3
Firstly, I don't see Eesti as the offensive type. He seems more like the tactical, analytical person to me, the comments on his profile saying he's a honour student and such really give me the idea he has a lot of insight into the situation. On the other hand, to say it bluntly, the 'nerd' image that he has really makes me think he wouldn't be one to actively participate in a battle unless it's neccesary. Rather, I'd think it's more likely that in battle he'd oversee and plan from a little distance, or use long range weaponary if required. (I believe the bag he has slung over his shoulder in the lietuva comic looks a lot like a rifle bag)
As such, Eduard will hardly run into battle, waving bolts of thunder and shooting bolts of lighting in random directions. Nope, that won't do. Rather, as I have brainstormed with Romano before, he's more likely to perhaps develop more 'defensive' types of abilities that will be the ones he'd more commonly use. I'm thinking of say, electric fields and such, to shield under. From a tactical viewpoint, this could also prove to be a place of shelter to wounded or other countries not currently fit in a battle? The fact that electricity of course gives off light and the sort, might even keep the shadowfolk at bay.
I could see it more likely, that Eduard would try to sit there, perhaps even trying to keep in contact with the others from a higher vantage point through some sort of communication, maybe analyzing what happens on his laptop, say such a situation would arise. Of course, that's just an example which might not even come up.
Either way, what I'm trying to say is, that I don't see Estonia actively charging into or fighting in the battle unless necessary. And rather would perhaps set off a defensive area, analyze or attack from a distance (alternatively, using stealth to set things up, but I'll be trying to keep it simple here, instead of analyzing situations that could very well not be.)
Now for the part of how the power could be applied . What still not how it actually works? No, wait a bit longer to make me see making no sense, this is the part where I tell what the hell he could do with electricity if he isn't flinging it at people. For this part, I looked up superheroes and the like with similiar control over electricity. This is partly for myself, but also to what other people think.
What I mean is that electricity comes in many ways, and well, can be applied in many as well. Besides what we have of basic electric generation, standard shocks etc, you know the standard in comic books and the like. I've also been thinking about how it could be applied beyond that. For example, I'm sure Eduard would be happy to learn that he can power the battery in his laptop or PDA and doesn't have to fear a power cut. What about driving an electric car? Powering things could be very helpful. (A dying flashlight in this rp can have quite a bad effect after all.~ )
Of course any of this would be limited by how much of a strain the ability would be on Estonia. This is something I'll probably go deeper into during the next part. Naturally, as mentioned before, everybody will grow stronger and better at their abilities over time. Here is where the ideas of sustainable electric fields come up for shielding. If he could achieve this at some point, it would make a great defensive ability.
Not to mention that electric fields could possibly distrub enemy appliances (if they have any, I don't know). There's possibly a few more things I forgot about here, but we'll leave it aside for now to move onto the next part.
A next part we'll call negative effects and risks for the lack of a better word. It's electricty we're talking here, and I don't think anybody needs to be told its dangerous. (If you do need to be told, just remember that sticking forks inside plugs is dangerous business, don't do it.) Joking asides, one thing I'm torn over is making Eduard invulnerable to electricity. On one hand it seems possible, on the other.. it just doesn't really seem to be part of the power to me. It seems more natural if he too can be shocked if something happens and it backfires. Perhaps a higher resistance to electricity would be more natural? I'm not sure. Nevertheless, I think it would be best to have him where black rubber gloves or something of the like? (It shouldn't be that much of a change since many countries already wear leather gloves) Though it must be noted that leather would not work just fine as well with a voltage up to 220 v. However if we're talking superpowers we'll likely be going beyond that. (I mean even skin works for live voltages in many household situations, as long as it is dry. (This does not mean I'm telling you try it at home.))
Now, if we have energy manipulation and absorption going on here, this would probably heighten the amount of energy he himself contains as well. (through processes I can't be bothered to look up and explain properly right now, but bear with me, it's a fantasy setting "orz) Looking up comic book heroes and the like. (E.g. Surge) this could on one hand increase thinking ability, but in bigger amounts might scrambling or overload the thinking process slightly, or make him talk too fast, etc. This might be more present in earlier stages of our powers, when people are still getting used to it and the electricity might still be a bit harder to regulate?
With the recent power out, it did lead me to wonder if the shadows had anything that disturbed electricity? I which case Eduard could be in trouble. Though I do believe hearing that that was due to them taking out powerlines and such? (though that didn't explain the satellites being down) but like, no mods online to comfirm that right now xD" . Either way, if they do have a way, this naturally would naturally put Eduard at a disadvantage.
How part 3, have you been good? Alright, here it comes then, me rambling nonsensically about how the power would work. Brace yourself, I might not make sense or make stupid mistakes here. (I take chemistry higher, I completed physics on IGSCE level but no more than that, so I might be a bit hazy or weird at points)
First off, *deep breath* Electricity, yay! Let's try my best to not turn this in a physics electricity 101 lesson. Let's see how Eduard will be generating that electricity!
Actually, I'll take a little break, post this, and then write it up so I don't fry my own brain and whoever is reading it "orz. I'll be doing a little more research and then get back to it o/.
Either way, feel free to leave comments, give inputs or throw a chair at my head and tell me I'm not making sense.