
Aug 05, 2008 17:34

Have successfully grown and eaten own spinach! Eight healthy leafy green plants growing in the garden now. We snip the larger leaves every couple of days or so, wash them lots and then eat them. They taste good - very outdoorsy. Reckon they will continue to grow for a couple of months, maybe more.

Rocket plants also going strong - not quite large enough to eat yet, another couple of weeks I reckon. I thinned them out a bit to give each plant a slightly better chance - was worried I would  damage them quite badly, digging them up and replanting them, but  each one had a decent root coming out of it, so I think they will be ok.

[Thinking ahead- potatoes need to be planted in january, but you start them off inside in november roughly, so once the exams are over, thats the next job - prepare a patch for potatoes and start the seedlings.

Bulbs also need to be in the ground probably no later than novemberish, so the tulips for the front garden will need to be bought. Bulbs are quite expensive so we probably won't get too many at once.]

Will post pictures of the growing goodness once I get hold of my camera :)

gardening, vegetables, spinach, garden

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