
Oct 13, 2006 20:55

Once tagged by this entry, the assignment is to write a blog entry of some kind with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends and tag them; no tag backs. This explanation should be included.

Tagged by dandyloo

1.  I always used to struggle with my handwriting up until sometime in high school.  I started learning calligraphy and caring about my penmanship.  Now I pride myself on my handwriting and printing.
2.  I broke both of my front teeth when I was 8.  I was doing somersaults in the pool and I bit it.  Literally.  I fucking BIT the side of the pool.  We never found the pieces of my teeth, I think I swallowed them.
3.  I have several unfinished paintings hanging around.  I always start off great...I don't know what happens after that.  I hope to finish them someday.
4.  I've been thinking about becoming a Speech/Language Pathologist because I have always been intrigued about how people speak and learn languages.  It would be a really good job for me because of that, and because I could get a job anywhere and make good money.  However, I would have to begin a Master's program, and that would involve going back to school.  Ick. 
5.  I have unknowingly been in love with three, (count 'em, THREE), men who turned out to be homosexuals.    
6.  I am a good speller and I love to search for errors on handwritten signs in restaurants or businesses.  (Example:  "Daily Specials" boards.) Apostrophe abuse or neglect is especially fun.

I am tagging: 
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