May 18, 2004 11:33
this weekend was alright. nothing really happened, but that doesn't make it bad.
friday, we had a band practice. sort of. there was a lot of fucking around, and a little progress.
we went to the best place ever. i bought the ben stiller show and a cd, i can't remember the name, silver mt zion and tra la la orchestra with choir, or something like that. i haven't listened to it yet. we rented spellbound and vulgar.
we watched spellbound. it was a documentary on spelling bees, or the national spelling bee, mostly. no one, apparenty, was into the idea of watching a spelling bee documentary, as good as it may have been. ej's ADD kicked in as soon as it started. he was bouncing around, making comments on everything. all i wanted was to watch it..
then i watched a couple episodes of ben stiller.
saturday, i bought guitar strings for the 12 string.
i went with emily to see ronnie, her friend, and his wife and son before they all move to mexico. they were very nice people and the son was an awesome baby. we hung out there, the best place ever, for a while. emily and i went back to my place. i made her food. quesadillas. then we had really long talk. i think it lasted a good four hours. we talked about how i'm lonely, she's lonely, i'm depressed, she's depressed, stuff like that.
sunday, i went to my mom's and played with my nieces and nephew. always fun. then we went grocery shopping, cooked some fake chicken patties, and had a good ol time.
yesterday, i rode my bike around. alot. to best place ever. around.
i started cooking stir fry, when i realized i didn't have any bananas, a necessary part of stir fry, so i rode my bike to kum n go to see if they had any bananas. no. to walgreens. no. so i had to ride my bike all the way to drug town for 34 cents worth of bananas. it was a good ride, but i think i saw katie, girl i never want to see again, upon entering the parking lot. she wouldn't look at me. ha!
then i made some stir fry and watched some stellas shorts.
i had enough stir fry for lunch today, but i forgot it at home. goddamn it!!!
tonight is sadie's graduation from pre school. emily and i are going to attend the ceremony. that should be fun.