Aug 22, 2005 23:42
x: Name:Edsel Orlando Parish
:x: Height: 6'1
:x: Shoe size: i wear a size 12
:x: Hair color: blonde with a lil bit of brown in there somewhere
:x: Siblings: I have 6 sisters and one brother
:x: Eyes: hazle
:x: Jr.high: crary middle school
:x: Elementary: Burt Elemetary
:x: Hometown: Columbiaville MI a.k.a BFE
:x: Favorite place: i have no favorite place
:x: Favorite soda: Cherry freakin coke bitch
:x: Game system: i have a ps2 i sold everything else
:x: Favorite food: Chex mix
:x: Favorite book: i dont read
:x: Favorite pen: What the fuck kinda question is that
:x: Favorite car: A 1985 GMC Delorian
:x: Favorite animal: hmmm i have no idea
:x: Waterbrand: does it matter, it all tastes the same
:x: Favorite burger place: its not quite a burger place but i must say, taco bell
:x: Favorite hobby: playing hockey
:x: Favorite friends: Aaron dan sean troy maggie sarah jeff dustin andy Anna and whom ever i forgot
:x: Favorite vitamins: fuck vitamins
:x: Favorite show: Criss Angle: Mind Freak
:x: Favorite news: i dont like the news
:x: Gold or silver: niether, way 2 expensive
:x: Favorite dog: my old dog
:x: Cell phone co.: Nextel
:x: Favorite shirt: does it matter
:x: Favorite sport: hockey all the way
:x: Favorite computer: i dont have fave
:x: Favorite fruit: cherries
:x: Favorite song: "Pressure" Skyndred
:x: Ketchup or salsa: Salsa
:x: Favorite milkshake: Vanilla
:x: Steak or lobster: Steak
:x: Favorite color: black
:x: Favorite weather: rainy
:x: Favorite state: texas
:x: Have a crush on someone: Yea
:x: wish you could live somewhere else: no i'm happy right where im at
:x: Think about suicide: yea when i was in a deep state of depression but who doesnt then they are like that
:x: Believe in online dating: no i dont
:x: Think others find you attractive: i dont really care if they do or dont, its whats inside that counts
:x: Want more piercings: hell yea i do
:x: Like cleaning: nope but if i have to i will
:x: Like roller coasters: hell yea
:x: Write in cursive or print: print
:x: Last talked to: aaron and dustin because i said bye to both of them at the same time
:x: Last thought of: maggie
:x: Last showered: yesterday
:x: Last cut your nails: about 2 weeks ago
:x: Last did laundry: fuck laundry
:x: Last hugged a tree: one time when i was really drunk
.:.For or against.:.
:x: Long distant relationships: depends on the person
:x: Killing people: for if i get to kill who i want
:x: Teenage smoking: i have to say for because i did it a while ago
:x: Driving drunk: Strongly againt
:x: Gay/lesbian relationships: i am for because my cousin is a homosexual man
:x: Soap operas: against
.:.Have you.:.
:x: Ever cried over a boy: nope
:x: Ever been in a fist fight: yes i have
:x: Ever been arrested: no but close
:x: Ever had a friend die: a friend no, but an enemy yes
:x: Ever dated a cousin: FUCK NO im not southern
:x: Ever used a gun: yes i have and i must say it was fun
:x: Ever frenched kiss: yes i have and it was fun haha
:x: Ever finished a puzzle: When i was really really young
:x: Ever got surgery: nope
:x: Ever got beat up: nope
:x: Ever hated someone: I have a few people right not
:x: Ever made a huge mistake: OH YEA
:x: Ever tried any drugs: yes i have
:x: Ever jogged a mile: yes i have
:x: Ever played w/ someone’s feelings: yea and i feel bad for it every day because i hurt that person bad
:x: Ever had feelings for someone young: im dating someone younger then me
:x: Shoes do you wear: Converse
:x: Are you scared of: dying alone
:x: Do you sleep in: my clothes
:x: Did you eat for lunch: didnt eat lunch
:x: Is love: when you wait all day just to hear that someones voice, when you would crawl on your hands and knees for miles just to see then.
:x: Of times I have had my heart broken?: a few
:x: Of hearts I have broken?: a few that i regret
:x: Of girls I have kissed?: i dont know
:x: Of boys I have kissed?: none
:x: Of guys/girls you've rejected?: i dont know
:x: Of accidents you been in: none
:x: Of people you lead on? a few
:x: Of people you broke up with?: who knows but im not gonna break up with anyone else because im happy
.:.Do you think you are.:.
:x: Pretty: not at all
:x: Funny: when i want to be
:x: Hot: nope
:x: Friendly: I can be
:x: Loveable: only with a certain few
:x: Caring: very
:x: Dorky: sometimes
:x: Cocky: no
:x: Girly: Ha not at all
:x: Boyish: Im a guy what do you think
:x: Smart: not at all
:x: Pimp: no thank god
:x: Angel: more like the devil
:x: Gangster: HELL NO!!
:x: God: nope
:x: Five letter word: i will get back to you on that
:x: Candy: who knows
:x: Cartoon: Family Guy
:x: Cereal: honey comb
:x: Chewing gum: spearment
:x: Day of week: friday
:x: Least fave day: sunday*
:x: Jello flavor: i dont know
:x: Summer/winter: Summer
:x: Trampolines or swimming pools: both because you can use the trampoline to jump into the pool
.:.Person who last.:.
:x: Slept in your bed: me
:x: Saw you cry: my whole family at my grandmas funeral
:x: Made you cry: no one it was just because my grandma was gone
:x: Spent the night at your house: Aaron buckner
:x: Had a drink with you: my niece sarah coulter
:x: You went to the movies with: Maggie L Aaron B Dustin H and Sarah G
:x: Yelled at you: my mom for threatening her boyfriend
:x: Sent you an email: Spam
:x: Told you they loved you: Maggie
.:.Have you ever.:.
:x: Gotten into a fight with your pet?: nope
:x: Said "I love you" and meant it?: Yea
:x: Gone out in public in your pajamas?: no not really
:x: Kept a secret from everyone?: yea
:x: Cried during a movie?: No but jeff has HAHA
:x: Ever at anytime owned new kids on the block?: hell no
:x: Planned your week based on the TV Guide?: nope
:x: Been on stage?: Ha funny story, yes i have
:x: Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: I wish
:x: Had an imaginary friend: nope
:x: Been to New York?: no but ive heard good things
:x: Been to California?: no but i want to move there for hockey
:x: Been to Florida?: No but i have friends down there
:x: Been to Hawaii? nope
:x: Been to China?: nope
:x: Been to Canada?: yea
:x: Been to Europe?: no but i want to go to amsterdam
:x: What time is it now?: 11:59
:x: Apples or bananas?: apples
:x: Blue or red?: red
:x: Walmart or target?:Wal* Mart
:x: Spring or fall?: fall
:x: What are you gonna do after you finish this?: talk to dan about dumb shit
:x: What was the last meal you ate?: Chicken and rice
:x: Are you bored?: no not really
:x: Last noise you heard?: my computer chair move
:x: Last smell you sniffed?: A sharpie
:x: Last time you went out of state/province?: i dont remember
:x: Do you believe in love at first sight?: yea
:x: Do you want children one day & if so, how many?: i want at least one
:x: Most important thing to you in a friendship is?: trust
:x: Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: once
:x: Want someone you don't have right now: nope
:x: Are you lonely right now: a lil
:x: Ever afraid you'll never get married: very
:x: Do you want to get married: some time in my life
.:.In the last 48 hours have you.:.
:x: Cried: no
:x: Bought something: mentose and maggies water and my vault
:x: Said "I Love You": yes to maggie
:x: Met someone new: nope
:x: Talked to someone: yea of course
:x: Missed someone: yea
:x: Hugged someone: yea
:x: Fought with your parents: nope
:x: Dream about someone you can't be with: not but i did have one fucked up dream
:x: Had a lot of sleep: no not really
:x: Things you like in the opposite sex: just there over all personality
:x: Worst feeling in the world: being heart broken
:x: Best feeling in the world: being with someone you love and care about
:x: How many rings before you answer: 2
:x: Future daughter's name: i wont think about that until i have kids
:x: Future son's name: i wont think about that until i have kids
:x: Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: nope
:x: If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?: pro hockey goalie
:x: Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: all the time
:x: What's under your bed: another bed
:x: Favorite sport to watch: hockey by far
:x: Location: Columibaville
:x: Criminal record?: yea
:x: Do you speak any other languages?: i wish
:x: Name some of your favorite things in your bedroom?: my bed, TV, and my big ass poster of final destination 2
:x: Piercings and where?: one, my ear which is gadged but i want my tounge and lip pierced
:x: Whom do you love: Family and friends
:x: Nickname(s): Titty bar Ed, Special Ed, Eddie Munster
:x: Initials: E.O.P
:x: How old do you look?: 18
:x: How old do you act?: 16
:x: Glasses/contacts?: 20/20 vision bitch
:x: Braces: had them already
:x: Do you have any pets?: I have a cat and i use to have a dog but he was hit by a motor cycle
:x: You get embarrassed?: who doesnt
:x: What upsets you?: when my mom makes the wrong decissions
:x: What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning: Shit another boring day in the life of me
:x: Where do you want to get married: Trancealvainia (i dont know how to spell it)
:x: Favorite number(s): 7
:x: What type of automobile do you drive: Chevy Camaro
:x: Are you timely or always late: i dont really know
:x: Do you have a job: no but im lookin
:x: Do you like being around people: only if i like the people
Woodard dream cruise was freakin sweet, the only problem was my car kept over heating from all the burn outs i was doin. Troy took his car and i took mine so we had a burnout contest, that was really sweet. on the way back me and troy both got a thumbs up from a guy in a really freakin sweet Ford Farelane, that made my night. well thats all i really have to say about the dream cruise, and i cant wait for it to come next year.