So I was looking for Alex and Michael icons and to see if anybody else on LJ liked these two and here you are. lol. I love your video and your icons! Friends?
thanks hun :D! yes! it seems we share a liking to a few other ships as well - i used to want stefan and bonnie together but now i'm leaning towards stefan/caroline (and damon/elena ftw ofcourse :))
i don't think there are any CW nikita LJs out there? i should set one up lol.
Well there is a Nikita Fanfiction LJ and a Nikita/Michael LJ. I've actually been thinking about making an Alex/Michael LJ because there isn't one, but I've never moderated a community before, but I'd really like to do one.
I only started watching Nikita today and immediately I find myself on LJ scouting for icons & wallpapers so thank you for feeding my growing Michael obsession (I am such a sucker for pretty guys wielding guns/fangs/swords)! =] Liking the fanvid too, at the moment the budding Michael/ Alex relationship is the only one that jumped out at me but it's early days yet.
Haha, me too - thanks :)! Is that Josh Duhamel in your icon? I saw him in Life As We Know It the other day - i think he is the definition of dreamy lol.
and even though you're probably undecided about michael/alex - you should totally join michael_alex :D!
Tis indeed the gorgeous Josh Duhamel... I fell in love with him in Transformers and may or may not have been binging on everything he has been in. I really want to see Life As We Knot It, is it worth going to see?
Haha, I'm won over... Michael/Alex FTW [unless future eps spoil my fun]!
Comments 9
i don't think there are any CW nikita LJs out there? i should set one up lol.
Well there is a Nikita Fanfiction LJ and a Nikita/Michael LJ. I've actually been thinking about making an Alex/Michael LJ because there isn't one, but I've never moderated a community before, but I'd really like to do one.
you totally should! i'll help if you want - i have a spare comm set up that i haven't used so you can have it if you want :)?
and even though you're probably undecided about michael/alex - you should totally join michael_alex :D!
Haha, I'm won over... Michael/Alex FTW [unless future eps spoil my fun]!
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