Apr 09, 2009 16:09
It's not that I don't like him. I do. It's just that I live in Cook County. The House is currently held by Democrats and led by Nancy Pelosi. He'll do good work there, he'll be a positive influence, but they don't need him. Cook County's board president is Todd Stroger. We do. The nominal gains we'll see by having him as our representative as opposed to the three or four other candidates who would have done well with the position seriously risk not outweighing the potential for the harm him no longer being Cook County Comissioner might bring. There are some good candidates for his old job, but nothing close to a guarantee. Right now, I hope Quigley shines in his new position. I hope it becomes the begining of a brilliant and lasting political career on the national stage. He was probably the best candidate for the job, so I don't think we'll loose anything on the national level by having him there, but I want him to leave us with no doubt that leaving his Cook County government behind was a net positive thing.