Oct 15, 2002 18:34
Well, I am often told I don't post to LiveJournal enough, and when I do it is either an annoucment or a philosophical endeavor that few take the time to read...so, here it is: my first post with substance aside from the aformentioned stuff. This is a long entry, but is has *substance* as I rarely post and have alot to say; it should be lots of fun!
My life? It's going pretty well for a while now. I've often been so busy that I haven't taken the time necessary to reflect on things that have been happening. I'll go through all these things going on in my life ... right here:
---Shannon (I love you!!!!) : - ) no explanation needed here...I could spend pages talking about us and be all mushy and stuff, but I won't. We know how to have fun, and those of you who know us well don't need any further explanation!!! [: - )
---I've been graduated for 1.5 years now, working at a semi-new job (3 months as of now!) that has been going great for me. The hours are a bit long, but compared to many of the jobs that friends have, I cannot complain with respect to hours or benefits. Transportation worked out nicely as a coworker lives right up the street from me (no more buses!!) and they have no issues with my taking time off for conferences/vacations/random sleepiness/etc.
---APOwise, I've been pretty busy. I'm the service chair for section 88 (eastern NY), a job that has been fun, rewarding, and not too difficult. Community service is one of the main reasons I love APO and will never stop giving back in this area. I am also an advisor for ADH (SUNY Albany). They are a fun bunch and I am proud of everything they are doing and love going to their events. I pop in alot at EZ (RPI) events to see how things are going and lend a hand where I can. I love EZ and am always impressed at what we're capable of doing as a chapter, even when things aren't necessary ideal. EZ will always have a special place in my heart, no matter what I am doing or where I might end up going in the future. Lastly, I'm involved at Siena in trying to get a chapter started. This is an adventure that I never would have anticipated being in the middle of. It's a ton of fun and alot of work, but I am glad to see those involved helping the community and getting to know one another; also seing them start to plan and run their own events is nifty. They have a long road to brotherhood, but I have faith in their ability to make things happen : ) Aside from responsiblities, I must say that I really do love my brothers (not in THAT way...well...at least not all of them!) Looking back I cannot count the number of times that a brother was there for me when I wouldn't have expected anyone to be there. I wish I knew of a way to thank everyone for this...maybe I will think of a good way later : ) This is what brotherhood is really about, and it applies to both my brothers, and my close friends.
---Bowling has been a hobby fueled by a sort of rivalry and the love of throwing large heavy objects at small, stationary, defenseless ones. I'm in a league with REV and bowl once a week. Overall I've been pounding on him, though my average has gotten so high I am having trouble keeping up with myself. It's all in fun of course...I give REV, as well as other bowling opponents lots of flak, but it's all in fun and I more than get paid back with my share of it : ) I never reallyh bowled a whole lot before this past year or so, but it's fun and a nice stress reliever.
---Jaycees is another service organization I have tried to get involved with. The local groups are great and are made up of absolutely wonderful people. I wish I had more time to go to events, but it seems work, sleep, and prior committments are making it tough to get to anything. Hopefully this will change in the future.
---SCA, fight practice, dance practice, and other activities... Through what I suppose was bound to happen eventually, I have started getting involved with the SCA. They are an interesting group of people, and are a load of fun to hang around. Midieval fight practice is a blast, even of I go home in minor pain. It's a great workout and I really enjoy learning how to fight with a sword and shield. My schedule will probably prevent me from going every week, but I will go as often as is physically possible. I'll eventually get to dance practice more...my current schedule akes it nearly impossible, though that will change eventually, and regardless of that I *will* go to Denny's...and soon!
---Chainmail...is FUN! It's a great hobby for when I am watching tv/movies or just trying to find something productive to do. It took a few weeks to learn how to make anything useful, but since then I've been working on a heavy piece of chainmail, which will be a pretty snazzy looking shirt when done. It'll be massively heavy, so I don't know if everyone else will be able to wear it, but I'm doing everything to keep it as light as possible while still being a good piece of armor. I'm also experimenting making collars, necklaces, bracelets, and other smaller pieces of clothing/jewelry, and so far so good : ) If anyone has any suggestions or ideas of anything to make, just tell me and I'll see if I can do it.
---Music is an area I've had too little time to devote to since I graduated. I had been a part of bands and orchestras since 3rd grade and always loved playing in a group and peforming. I had played clarinet, saxophone, and my personal favorite, bass clarinet for years and experimented with a number of other instruments. Since I graduated there hasn't been alot of time or means for joining any local music groups. I will one day find the time for this, though it probably won't be any time soon. On the other side of music, I enjoy listening to it all the time and have had the chance to see some great concerts over the past few years. Most recently I saw Counting Crows at RPI, which was an amazing concert. Now I am looking forward to seeing the Goo Goo Dolls on halloween in Poughkeepsie...Shannon, Virginia, Paul, and Jake will also be there to enjoy the concert...as well as find some way to apprehend the Goo Goo Dolls.
---I've lost over 20 pounds in the last 2 months. While I am not putting any aggressive effort into losing weight, I have been getting alot of exercise, much of it inadvertantly, and also eating less (read this as I am only eating like a starved elephant, but not as much as the Ravenous Bug-Blatter Beast of Traal). I personally feel fine physically, so I have no intentions of starving myself or anything else in an effort to lose weight as I would much rather be happy than try and meet the stereotypes set by others.
I think that sums up the main things on my mind. If I forgot anything, I'll add it later. I also have a few other things in store for the near future : ) If you read this all then you get a cookie from me as it was rather lengthy.
---Has anyone tried Ben and Jerry's flavors Peanut Butter Me Up or The Karamel Sutra?
---Magic is FUN. Just watch out for the large horde of elves!
---Anyone want to go to the Fuze Box one of these days???
---I'm looking for a place to get some nice sunglasses cheap...something that goes with the trenchcoat really well. Any ideas?
---my apartment got cheesed!