Okada and Phil. News

Mar 24, 2008 22:20

"I hope to date with the intention of marriage."

This was Okada's introduction while he was on a date in Security Police episode one. Haha. I searched it on crunchyroll after finding Ohkura's Shounen Club guesting. Haay. His date went blah silent after hearing his intro. If that was me, I would definitely stand up and say YES! I love Inoue!!! Haha. Okay, that was scary.

The series is really interesting. You may think it's full of action ala Keanu Reeves or Brad Pitt, but it was definitely funny and a bit out-of-the-action genre it was supposed to be portraying. But who cares?! Okada is in this episode and I love it everytime the camera focuses his face. I must say his haircut in this series is his best haircut. It fits him well. Once, I saw his photo where he looked like a man who didn't get a haircut for about a decade. He looked like a caveman and worse is that he didn't turn out to be a sexy caveman --- he was a yucky caveman.

I missed reading several subs because Okada's face is sooo gorgeous and heavenly and sexy and manly and... serious? Haha.


I watched Hana Kimi Japan on GMA this afternoon and my brother told me he noticed that some parts are edited. Funny how they didn't edit the Maki-Nakatsu-"pecs"-touching part, instead they erased the part when the psychic guy checked Maki's aura. That part just a few seconds after Maki saw Nanba kissing a girl.


A lot has been going on this morning, Kris Aquino told the public Mrs. Cory Aquino had been diagnosed with colon cancer and the family chose not to give further details about it. The Olympic ceremony has begun in Greece. The torch was lit and it is expected to arrive in China on March 31. That's my brother's birthday, he's turning 13. I miss his fat baby legs and arms. I used to bite them when he was still young.

Edu Manzano's Papaya song was on Good Morning America and the hosts identically danced Edu's famed Papaya dance steps. Great. They liked it. I think it's because they can relate to it. They knew the disco era and its glorious secrets.

okada philippines

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