Jan 30, 2011 13:45
Something that gets me more than I am prepared to say is people who seem incapable of actually doing something.
Last year I was running my website and I thought 'hey, I'd like to have the .com name'. At the time I had the money, inclination and time to set it up. So I WHOIS'd and found the host of the .com, and through them contacted the owner. What a nightmare. The upshot of it was that this guy seemingly had no idea about anything, despite being a 'professional financial advisor'. I'm not about to send money orders abroad. I want everything by the book. So instead of dealing with the hosts I went through the direct route. Cos you can't go wrong dealing with people direct. Or so I thought. Well, money orders requires a passport or photo ID so that's out. I don't own such things. So sending it was an problem. So I arranged for around $500 to be paid through paypal. This was a problem as the reciever didn't a: have a paypal account and b: no ID to get one.
About now, after two months of trying to obtain this, I was starting to get a little suspicious. So I reclaimed the money from Paypal and waited. Lo and behold, back he comes with some story or other. Then his brother was being difficult. What is this guy? 6? And so anothe rmonth goes by and I am putting some stuff on hold for this. eventually I backed out entirely. .coms aren't what they are cracked up to be, but there's a point where you think is it really worth all this trouble? As a shop window, yes, it would be useful, but the aggravation I got in trying to obtain it. I think not.
So now I am playing catch up and I am going to be here every Sunday.