Aug 14, 2010 22:44
I am not quite sure why I did what I just did. In short, a few months ago I bought, from eBay, an old G4 Mac. It's not a bad buy at £40. But it had an operating system which may as well have greeted me with 'Hello my leige'. So I decided to upgrade it. Having looked at the offerings for the PPC market, I decided that, strangely, No, I wasn't going to pay for something. Especially when I don't even know if the software will actually work, but mainly because I am tighter than the gap between Eric Pickles and his collar.
for those who don't know, Eric Pickles is a Conservative Minister of portly proportions, and while not wishing to denegrade him in anyway, I do think that he is one of the few people in the UK who may personally have a boundary change. If anything, since the election in May, he has become even huger (I am avoiding the word FAT) and may in fact have a new reason for the letters MP after his name, namely 'M Planet'.
So anyway, I was beavering away and I discovered, quite by change, I could install a flavour of Linux on this machine. I am not sure why they call them flavours. I can only assume it's because traditionally people who know about these sorts of things have bad breath, and blame software for the fact they can peel an orange by talking to close to it. I used to know a man like that who talked so close to your face you could see his epiglotis.
so I have now Debian Linux on here and I have to say it's all going swimmingly. Word processing, HTML tools, all the gubbins to play with to ensure that I never actually finish anything. Cos when I got this brainwave I was making a cartoon. Eighteen seconds of animated action and voila, I get bored a couple of minutes in and try to log into a chess server under the name Mrs Irene Handl.
I also made a prank call but suspect I rang the wrong number so if you were intending following up that call from the Zoo about the Dung Hats, don't.