I'm pretty much just working Job A, driving to Job B, working Job B, then coming home, unwinding for an hour, then going to bed;not much worth writing home about.
SO instead of writing home, a meme! I can't even remember where I saw it or what the original wording was, but it's basically List all the TV series you have on DVD.
This could be somewhat ridiculous.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Seasons 1,2,3,4 and 6
Angel: Seasons 1-5 {entire series}
Carnivale: Seasons 1 & 2 {entire series}
House: Season 1
Monk: Season 1
Venture Brothers: Seasons 1-3 {still airing}
The 4400: Seasons 1-4 {entire series}
Deadwood: Season 2 definitely, and I might have season 1 somewhere. I know someone gave me burned episodes, but I don't know if it's an entire season or not
Dead Like Me: Seasons 1-2 {entire series}
Bones: Seasons 1-2
Oh I forgot one, and it's one of my favourites, too! Ultraviolet: Entire BBC series
Huh, that wasn't near as many as I'd expected. And note the lack of BBC shows; they're ridiculously expensive - last time I priced Life on Mars, it was sixty dollars. For like eight episodes. *sulk*