(no subject)

Nov 06, 2009 22:38

I was just looking at cast iron skillets on Amazon, and could not BELIEVE some of the reviews:

When you soak it in warm water for an hour to try and get the food to unstick, you come back and the water and pan are rusty. ONLY ONE HOUR!!!!!!!

If it needs more than a wipe with a paper towel, I quickly clean it in standard dish detergent water with a Scotch Brite.

Cooking a steak in a nonstick pan you need to let it soak in water for 10 minutes and then use a metal potscrubber brush, then wipe it with a paper towel and place it on a burner for 30 seconds to let any water evaporate.

I know Lodge recommends no soap, but I use mild soap, anyway.

My grandmother is rolling in her grave, for serious.

internet weirdness, the horror the horror, just stop talking

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