Jun 28, 2009 21:01
Dear Michael Bay,
There is not one single solitary soul on the planet who is going to see Transformers for the dizzyingly complicated plot and/or intricate exposition. They are going to watch giant robots blow shit up real good and beat the transmission fluid out of each other. Please to be removing about 30 extraneous minutes of "OH IMPORTANT PLOT POINT SEE MY GIANT IMPORTANT PLOT POINT. PLOT POINT". Really, we'll be happy with 90 seconds of, "Decepticons are bad and want to destroy Earth." "__________ wants to destroy Earth" is always an excellent explanation for shit to get blown up.
If you absolutely must keep those 30 mintues, I suggest adding more sweaty Josh Duhamel shouting orders, bonding in a manly fashion with Tyrese Gibson, possibly while saving a baby.
very important update,