Re: Lost

Apr 29, 2009 21:37

Has it not been made clear that they can't change the past? By the very physicist who's saying "Hey, if I do this, the plane crash which started this show would never have happened!" That's changing the past! It's the island's future, but it's the castaways past. They can't change the island's future, because it's their past. YOU SAID IT, DANIEL. LOTS.

Although I'm willing to go with Daniel's not quite sane on some level, so he's willfully ignoring the paradox there, because he wants to be wrong.

Anyway, I believe the creators have made it clear that they're not into creating alternate/parallel timelines, so it's just annoying me that they're trying to make Big Giant Tension out of this, when it's been made clear that those aren't the time-travel guidelines they're working by. And if they change that rule, I'm going to be even more annoyed, and will need the why of it explained in detail.

I LOVE flipping out over time-travel. I leave you to look forward to my possible epic flip-out in three weeks, when Terminator:Salvation is released. Except they're actually pretty good about not screwing up their rules, be it movie or show. Probably my flip-out will be about people who think the movie and Sarah Connor Chronicles are the same 'verse, which,to my understanding, they are not. *glee*

oh noes, au, geekery, tv, fanboying

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