Title: To Catch A Star
Fandom: Emily of New Moon, by L. M. Montgomery
Spoilers: This is an alternate ending for Emily's Quest, so spoilers for about the first third, then it goes AU.
Word count: 1800
No warnings.
Note: Happy birthday,
sartorias! It's your Con Or Bust story!
The poem is by Basho.
Her laugh alone threatened to shatter Aunt Elizabeth’s heirloom mirror. )
And...as a very quiet Dean-fancier, for fear of being called names...I like what you've done with him and his relationship with Emily very much.
I have very mixed feelings about Dean. On the one hand, in some ways he was very good for Emily. On the other hand, he committed the most awful deed in the entire series. I figured he at least deserved to be depressed in congenial surroundings.
In other words, I couldn't believe that Dean would do that thing. Not the Dean that encouraged her all along. I felt like he was taking over the story, but Teddy was the conventional hero, and so things had to be yanked into line.
Rereading it many years later, when they were reprinted, I had more problems with Dean, like his fixation on a kid. Euw. Euw. But as a kid that seemed perfectly fine because the meaning of it whizzed over my head.
Anyway, now I have an ending that I like better than a retrofitted Dean.
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