After two years, I've finally outgrown my current hosting solution. Next month, I'll be moving all my stuff to a new datacenter, and bringing some friends with me. Normally, no one here would care but at the moment this is the best channel I have for getting the info out for the folks who are moving with me. So, if you are not them feel free to ignore what's
First off is the timeline. I'm looking at moving the weekend of May 19th. That's not in stone, and won't be until I get some info back from ya'll.
What we have lined up: Console server (16ports), router (Soekris running OpenBSD), managed switch, and I hope enough power distribution. What's still up in the air is the exact amount of space we will have.
We're going to have two networks: the orange network and the blue network. The blue network will be our private network, which can only be accessed locally or via VPN. The orange network will be the firewalled internet connection. We don't have allocation information for the orange network yet, but we can setup blue now.
What I need from ya'll is the following:
1) A PGP Key, or your PGP fingerprint. My fingerprint is 6CEB 9B60 3AEC 8C8D 100F 4CED 50BD B3B2 1B5A 3516 (Identifier is 1B5A3516) and can be found on Send me a message so we can negotiate encryption. We'll be using PGP to move around VPN keys and whatnot.
2) I need to know how many U of rack space you need. I'd also like an estimate of how much bandwith you expect to use (in the form of 95% average over a month).
3) When you are building your machine, please, please, PLEASE, keep your reciepts. I'm going to need to know how much all the equipment you have is worth. This will be important when Dallas comes to me for property taxes later on.
4) Please start an inventory of all your parts and pieces. Specifically, keep track of serial numbers and slot numbers. If you should need a drive replaced or whatnot, Matt or I are going to need to know which one to replace.
5) If your box supports a serial console, I need to know how to connect to it (DB9, DB25, or RJ-45 w/ pinout) and connection parameters (baud, stop bits, data bits, etc).
Once I get that info from you, I'll get back to you with VPN keys, and your orange network IPs. Please label your box as to which network port is for the orange network, and which is for the blue network. I would recommend setting up your blue network interface now to make configuring your box easier.
That's all I have for now, I'll post more details as they come in. Thanks!