Random Observations...

Nov 16, 2006 01:24

Random Observations...
I gotta study...but I just don't care right now...so I'll kill a little of my time and yours.

--You can tell a lot about somebody from their MySpace profile, and I don't mean the stuff they write...yes I am a judgemental piece of crap...but you can...

--I still smile everytime I think about Borat...I never go see movies twice, and I'd really like to see The Departed or Stranger than Fiction too, but I might have to see Borat again...

--I don't have much time for TV (most of it gets watched at 3AM thanks to the blessed DVR), but it's my only escape right now and I cherish the little vacations it lets me take from the craziness of my world...so here's the highlights:

>>The Office is so good, and I have a newfound crush on Mindy Kaling (she plays Kelly), I found out she's written 5 episodes of the show...

>>Speaking of smart, funny and attractive women who would never go out with me, Tina Fey's new show is pretty good too (or at least the one episode I've seen), who would have thought Alec Baldwin could redeem his whole family doing comedy...Make some Schweaty Balls this Holiday Season:  http://youtube.com/watch?v=A7tCGWVf5Pw...

>>I miss Lost already...

>>I'd like to like Studio 60 (just like I'd like to think of a better way to phrase that...and this), so much of it is good...but ultimately it's just a dumb place to set a show like that and I don't think it's going to last, so why get attached...

--As I've mentioned, I love politics, but hate politicians.   I was heartened by the results of the elections though, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all this bipartisan spooning lasts.

>>Iraq's obviously important, but in the meantime though, we shouldn't forget that we have to work on reforming health-care and social security, improving the educational system, taking a leading role in stopping global warming and helping the developing world catch up (which believe it or not, is actually good for us too).

>>If you want to see what a politician should be like, check out Harold Ford Jr's concession speech:  http://youtube.com/watch?v=HerRfHkiHOg  , kind of gives you hope for the process.

--It's going to take me a long time to really get over the way our football season ended (yes it's just a game and we had a good season, but I'm tired of hearing that.  You put 5 months into an activity with 50 other people, nearly get to the top, and then fail colossally in front of 1200 people and see how you feel).

--I've got to quit feeling so down, all I do is eat fast food and waste time doing crap like this...

--Econ test at 8AM tomorrow...better get to work....

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