Title: A Riddle, Wrapped In A Mystery
Character(s): Caspian X, Edmund Pevensie
Pairing: Caspian X/Edmund Pevensie
Rating: M
Disclaimer: Characters you recognise belong to C. S. Lewis.
Setting: Prince Caspian and Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
Notes: The rating is for the general topic, Ed's reaction to his mistreatment by Pug & Co. I'm in the middle of writing a missing scene-cum-sequel that has Caspian and Ed addressing the latter's reaction to his emotional trauma more directly, which will probably take the same rating. I work on the premise that a rating that's too high is preferable to one that's too low. Beta'd by
glory_jean. LJ links go to my journal, where comments are screened.
Summary: Perhaps, to you, the Just King is destined to stay a riddle, wrapped in a mystery. For ever.
On LJ (
Part One;
Part Two) | On