LJ Interests meme results
- africa:
Simply put: I'd love to go. My degree in international studies will be focusing on development and I'm taking that focus a step further with development in developing countries like Africa. I might even take a semester abroad at a university there. - bartending:
This is what I do for a living. I'm pretty good at it, I'd like to think. - computer studies:
Most fun class ever. I'm learning every day, unlike some other unmentionable classes... - coupons:
They're good. >.> - feminist theory:
Very stimulating, and not all of it is written by the stereotypical bra-burning bull-dyke. I loves it. - gadgetry:
Everytime something new comes out, I must have it. Damn you, Ipod nano. - innovation:
I suppose it's the same as the above. - live bands:
This is what I do with all the money I make bartending. I buy a ticket, get there, drink rye all night, and buy every album and t-shirt that is on display at the little table at the back of the room. - music:
What can I say? It's my life. ^^ - my guitar:
I play it every single day. Not that I'm good, but I'm prgressing.
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