A post! That is actually from yesterday! But DW didn't crosspost b/c LJ was being a butt!

Dec 22, 2012 21:09

I am posting things! My last class ends today at midnight, so I'm waiting for more final papers to roll in. Eight of them have already been graded, and so I am derping around on teh internets until more come in... so I can grade them.

Saw The Hobbit yesterday with the eldest nephew and the middle elder sibling! Did not see it in 3D as neither the middle elder sibling nor I particularly like 3D in movies. It was lots of fun! And insanely pretty, of course. I quite liked the music as well. The way it works is very nice in terms of prequel-ness--you can feel the pieces sort of sliding into their places, at it were, and a lot of the scenes were very nice indeed. I particularly liked the bit with the pinecones, the riddle scene (it was as rad as it should have been!) and the dude I like to refer to as Ridiculously Photogenic Dwarf Guy. His dashing good looks made me laugh a lot.

Also, I promised
starsplinter a bit of ficcage, and here it is! It's basically a drabble, but that's a lot more than I've written in, like, months. Takes place during KH1, at a particular moment you'll immediately recognize with the first line.

* * *

The Door closes, and Riku drops to the ground and breathes.

They're safe now. They're safe.

They're safe and he's alone.

They're safe.

He'll never see them again.

They're safe.

The heartless will come for him soon.

But they're safe. The Door is shut and sealed and they're on the other side and they'll be fine, they'll be fine without him.

They're safe.

He won't be able to hurt them again.

It's more than he ever could have asked for.

The voice--the tiny king, the source of that endless, brilliant light--calls his name, and Riku pushes himself to his feet. If his eyes are a bit damp, the king is far too polite to mention it.

The darkness stretches on forever, and a thousand hungry hearts are waiting.

They're safe, and he'll likely die here, left to rot in the dark with a stranger.

Soul Eater sings as it forms in his hands, and Riku turns to face the hordes with a savage smile.

They're safe.

Now let the darkness come.

* * *

This is totes canon for SHC and Beyond the Ocean Beach, btw.

In other news, my hands are cold. Also, if I sent you a thing, it should be on its way now! But I make no guarantees about dates of arrival or anything.

kingdom hearts, fanfic, kingdom hearts fic

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